I don’t understand
I don’t get it

I will pay the bill
It’s on me

It’s my mistake
My bad

Leave me alone
Get lost

Think about it
Sleep on it

Put on your seatbelt on
Buckle up

Don’t force me do it
Don’t twist my arm

I can’t do anything
My hands are tied

Things will get better
It’s just a phase

I want you to feel comfortable
Make yourself at home

I’m very happy
I’m over the moon

Your make me laugh
You crack me up

Hurry up
Shake a leg

Give it a try
Give it a shot

I feel sad
I feel blue

Good luck
Break a leg

I’m nervous
I have butterflies in my stomach

Very rarely
Once in a blue moon

Very annoyed
Sick and tired

It’s your turn now
The ball is in your court

In summary
In a nutshell

What are your going?
What are you up to?

For real?

I can’t believe it!
No way!

I don’t like it
I’m not into it

Are you mad?
Are you out of mind?

Leave me alone
Give me a break

What is your name?
What do you go by?

You first
After you

Be careful!
Watch out!

I’m listening
I’m all ears

How are you?
How’s it going?

I’m very hungry
I’m starving

I’m very tired
I’m worn out

Let’s meet today
Let’s catch up today

I understand you
I feel you